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A member registered Mar 15, 2016

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If you extract the contents of that .zip there should be a RCTN.exe you can run

I had waaaaaaay too much fun playing this game! I downloaded it to make a Let's Play video for you YouTube channel, but now I'm wanting more! Like many people have said below and like I said in my video, I would LOVE a multiplayer version of this game! More unit types, a larger play area, things like that! I get that this was made in 48 hours (and it's an AMAZING product for two days!!), but a I would definitely back the development of a larger version of Right Click to Necromance!!

Great game! I downloaded the demo to do a Let's Play on my YouTube channel, and I'm very impressed by what I played! I would love to do a series on the completed game, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one! Keep it up! :D

Wow, this is a great looking game! I love the Game Boy aesthetic and feel to it (especially being able to change the color scheme like on the old Game Boy Color!). I came to looking for some indie titles for my Let's Play channel (I uploaded the first part of Moira today!) and this immediately jumped out at me! I really hope your Kickstarter proves successful because I'd really like to play the rest of Moira!!

Great demo, keep it up!!